just a few stabs in the dark:

is this on renderfarm / using a rendermanager?

is there any simulations (not just ice, also syflex...) ? 
if so, any chance that the caches aren’t working and it’s simulating – on each 
lot’s of huge textures or other data from a shared server that isn’t up to the 
how is the pre-render time?

there is a big difference between skipping frames in the viewport and skipping 
frames while rendering – which is: rendering. so any render related slowness 
could be misinterpreted as frame skipping slowness?

when rendering with skip frames, machines have to verify if each frame exists, 
or at least the placeholder 10kb file – normally that’s not a big deal but with 
heavy load on server (many people doing 3d, compositing, with textures and 
caches on the same server) things that are usually fast can become a hindrance 
– such as finding a 10kb file while someone else is copypasting 2TB of data. a 
rendermanager on a separate server than the fileserver(s) can help in 
distributing the rendertasks without needing to verify if data exists on the 

From: Ales Dlabac 
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 11:11 AM
To: softimage 
Subject: Fwd: very slow skip frame


we are experiencing huge slowdown when we have active frame skip in render 
pass. Normally in simple scene frame skip occurs immediately but for unknown 
reason our specific scenes takes up to10mins to skip one existing frame. If you 
play the scene frame changes almost immediately, there is not any slow cache 
reading or similar thing.

Have anybody idea what it can be?

Thank you.


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