Depending which version of si you are running, one can only cache direct
from syflex to cache manager if the syflex was made in  ice. If you applied
syflex as an operator them you will have to cache from within the syflex
toolbar first and then cache manager would work.  It's in the manuals.
On 17 Apr 2015 00:00, "Pierre Schiller" <>

> Hi group. :) I´ve been trying to cache a 4 by 3 grid with syflex ICE
> simulation with the cache manager. The grid has an extra operator:
> turbulize mesh, on top of it.
> I´m trying to instance this geometry for a pointcloud. It´s basically an
> emitter emitting different pictures from an image sequence. 1 per picture.
> Since I´m instancing a grid with a live simulation, it´s heavy on the
> scene once I cross the 300 particles emmited. I´d like to cache it. So I
> use the cache manager, write and then read to the point cloud. But I loose
> mySpriteID attributes (even though I select and cache all attributes on the
> cache´s list), and when I playback I see each frame turning each particle,
> with each picture from the image sequence. Frame 1 all instances show
> picture 1, Frame 2, all instances show picture 2...etc...
> I thought to use the displacement control instance node but then I get the
> same behavior on the material id than previously described when I cache.
> My question is: How to turn a live Syflex animation (wind, gravity,
> bend...etc..) with turbulize mesh operator into an animation clip? so I can
> offset and not worry about materials playing as repeated sources?
> Any direction that will help me to point a method, would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks.
> David.
> --
> Portfolio 2013 <>
> Cinema & TV production
> Video Reel <>

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