They never said anything involving ICE AFAIK.

They did mention that they are trying to make Houdini more pleasant to use,
and want animation (the user facing, artist oriented part of it) to receive
more attention, and that they have a Softimage developer on board
contributing to that. Both those statements are true. They are doing good
work in those regards, and part of that work is done by an ex Softie.

To my knowledge that's the extent of it. I've yet to see or hear ICE
mentioned at all, let alone ex developers of it, by SideFX people.

On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Andy Goehler <>

> On Jun 05, 2015, at 22:02, Jason S <> wrote:
> …Houdini says has an ICE team…
> Do they? I don’t recall, have any sources?

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