Hi all,

Sorry to ask this here.
Have asked in other places with no real response.

Does anyone know if it is possible to have Arnold output
what is essentially an object ID pass (different colors for each object)
but for volumes within Arnold?

I have some VDB smoke, then some other smoke in a different VDB.
They both use different Volume_Collector shaders with different settings.

Is there a way to spit out a pass that shows me the volume, but lit flat
so I can use it as an object ID mask to tweak inside of Nuke?

I can get all the geometry in the scene to output a Object ID AOV
except the volumes. They are rendered lit with shadows and lighting colors,

Without having to render a totally different pass, is there a way to output
an AOV
that can isolate the volumes, each one differently with a different color
for each volume, so I can tweak them independent of each other?

I can use the Volume Opacity AOV, but it outputs ALL the volumes as one
color (white, with transparency) in the resulting AOV. This would be
perfect, if each volume had a different color, not all the same white color.

Hope this is clear.

Thanks for any help!


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