PS - you can make a geodesic sphere out of NURBS with the little known "PNet" operator which was part of XSI 1.0, but quickly buried when the NURBS toolset couldn't be completed. The operator is still functional in the application, but not mentioned in the documentation.

Create a polygon mesh geodesic sphere using the frequency parameter on one of the native primitives, then apply the PNet operator with ApplyOp().


-----Original Message----- From: Matt Lind
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Downloading Entertainment Creation Suite

The Softimage SIGGRAPH dinner already happened this year.  SIGGRAPH 2016
will be in Anaheim, California July 24-28, 2016.

Barring significant developments, I'm tentatively planning the next dinner
being the 15th and final dinner.

I would like it to be well attended.  Every year has been intentionally
simple and very casual so people can relate to each other as people, and not
as a customer to a sale's pitch for a product, service, or bought loyalty.
I would like to keep that integrity, but perhaps make the event a little
more than it has been.  Softimage employees said their impromptu goodbye in
Montreal shortly after the retirement was announced last year, but the users
didn't have their chance yet.  In 2016 they will.  Official support will
have ended, and users will need to accept it's time to move on or forever
remain the Jurassic era of computer graphics.

It's too early to give specifics, but the dinner will likely be held at it's
usual Sunday timeslot to open the week.  Venue and other details yet to be
decided.  At SIGGRAPH 2013 in Anaheim, the dinner was held at Ralph
Brennan's Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney.  I'll probably go somewhere else
for 2016 as Disney is a pain-in-the-arse to deal with.


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 12:04:28 -0500
From: Bradley Gabe <>
Subject: Re: Downloading Entertainment Creation Suite
To: ""

Simple solution. I gave up attempting to install on that computer and tried
on another one and it worked as intended. Same OS on both systems, just
must be something wonky about one of them.

So if anyone else experiences issues with downloading from Autodesk, my
advice is, make sure you aren't using my desktop system.

I'll be back with advanced user questions such as: How do I make a geodesic
sphere with NURBs, and where is the Softimage SIGGRAPH dinner this year?

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