Breaking up an object for that purpose is the same as assigning a local 
material to each polygon.  No need to touch the geometry.

There are a variety of ways to do this, it's just a matter of what features 
and control you prefer.  The first problem is how to decide which image(s) 
are applied to which polygons.  The second problem is how to control the 
images once they're on the polygons (orientation, cropping, animation, ...).

The old school solution is apply a unique material to each polygon so the 
assigned texture image shader can isolate it.  The pro is this is easy to 
setup (or script), you can use static images or image sequences 
independently between polygons, and you have lots of control if you need to 
use passes and overrides to modify color or other effects.  The con is in 
the event you need textures to expand (or contract) beyond polygon borders, 
then you're kind of caught between a rock and hard place, and navigation in 
the explorer might become a bit overwhelming.

If you like development, you could write a shader to manage the images and 
polygons.  Coding is close to trivial.  The only tricky part is having 
control over which image gets placed on which polygon.  The shader would 
prefer triangle ID, but users don’t tend to like that as there is no control 
over ordering of the triangles of an arbitrary mesh.  A weight map could 
determine where images are placed.  The pro of this solution is it would 
keep your scene neat and tidy and you could put logic into the shader to 
control all images en masse with ease (animate over time, for example).  The 
con is you have to know something about writing mental ray shaders (not 
difficult, but takes time) and you would have to know the maximum number of 
images needed ahead of time as you have to code that into the shader's 

Another shading driven solution is to use a concept similar to UV Remap 
where an image file (or programmatically driven color) defines which image 
is placed at a given texel.  The color intensity (lightness) would act as a 
ratio within the image sequence and choose the nearest image.  A 2nd image 
file could be used to drive other parameters such as animation, orientation, 
and so on.  The pro of this solution is you are not bound to polygon borders 
and you have lots of control.  The con is you might get some aliasing if 
your remap color is file based, setting this up could take considerable 
time, and you deprive yourself of granular control for passes and overrides 
if needed as your images would essentially belong to a single material. 
Although this could be set up in ICE, it would be better and more efficient 
to do it in the render tree.

.ptex.  Cannot remember if this is supported in Softimage or not, but that 
is essentially what is being requested here.  If you push your images into 
such a format, then maybe this is an option(?).


Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:23:10 +0000
From: Adam Seeley <>
Subject: Re: 1 texture per polygon
To: ""


Haven't looked through the whole thread, but would it make it easier to
splitting the polys into separate objects.. organising your uvs/images &
then merging again?


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