Are their alembic caches in the scene? There are reproducible issues I’ve had 
with scenes crashing that have an alembic cache. 

> On Apr 22, 2016, at 3:16 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] 
> <> wrote:
> Trivial?
> don’t think so .....
> Open fails,
> Merge works!
> What the?
> --
> Joey Ponthieux
> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES II)
> Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI)
> NASA Langley Research Center
> __________________________________________________
> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of - -
> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 3:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: script log at startup
> Maybe trivial but  to check:  running SI as Administrator and/or merging into 
> a new SI-Scene
> Walter
>  "Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]" <> hat am 
> 22. April 2016 um 20:22 geschrieben:
> No. This started yesterday.
> In 30 years computing this is about one of the weirdest things I’ve ever 
> seen. It can mount the remote drives, see everything there, save files, then 
> reads files created within the active session. But any file not created 
> during that session can’t be read and gives an error. All scene files are 
> good and readable. From the local machine there are no issues whatsoever. But 
> when the default database is set to the remote drive, it starts leaving empty 
> files behind with a namespace that’s similar to other files that SI dumps 
> such as the .dmp and .Scriptlog files. But no extension and 0 bytes. I 
> thought maybe it has a read/write test on startup for the database but that 
> it was never obvious that the test file was there because it might get 
> deleted like the .dmp files do when you close Soft. If it is a read/write 
> test something is interfering with its ability to finish the process and 
> delete the test file.
> Thanks
> --
> Joey Ponthieux
> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES II)
> Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI)
> NASA Langley Research Center
> __________________________________________________
> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 2:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: script log at startup
> And it's always been like this?
> Sounds like you should use strace or Process Monitor. There's no log that 
> Softimage itself will write out.
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] 
> < <>> wrote:
> I just need to know what the software does on startup. In particular what 
> tests it runs or files it creates, updates, etc. In particular is there any 
> part of the startup process that is failing but not preventing Soft to run.
> Currently Soft is able to save a scene, it can then read it back in, but if I 
> close Soft the saved file is no longer readable the next time Soft is run.
> I’ve deleted preferences. It is doing the same regardless what version of 
> Soft I use.
> --
> Joey Ponthieux
> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES II)
> Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI)
> NASA Langley Research Center
> __________________________________________________
> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
> From: 
> <> 
> [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Henry Katz
> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 12:52 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: script log at startup
> Presumably you want higher level than strace/ltrace if running under Linux?
> On 04/22/2016 12:21 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II] wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know if it is possible to make XSI run a script log of everything 
> it does at startup?
> --
> Joey Ponthieux
> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES II)
> Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI)
> NASA Langley Research Center
> __________________________________________________
> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
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