The best you can do is activate real time script logging including verbose 
mode in your scripting preferences.  There might be an additional 
environment variable or two which can be activated, but those would be for 
specific contexts such as debugging operators.  When faced with this problem 
I usually created self installing plugins (events) to trigger when needed 
for these types of things so at least I'd get an idea of when stuff would 
happen in the context of startup.

Another thing you could try is to create a dummy plugin, such as a startup 
event, and use Microsoft Visual Studio (C++) to 'attach to process' in the 
debugger and see if it can sniff what XSI does on startup while attempting 
to load the plugin.  Still likely on the outside looking in, but you might 
pick up at least a few hints of what's going on to help steer your next step 
of troubleshooting.  You can likewise try GDebug or similar tool for 
sniffing a custom OpenGL shader to get similar info.  We did this a lot at 
Carbine as a means to get issues diagnosed, reported, and fixed.....or at 
least diagnosed and reported.


Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 18:04:51 +0000
From: "Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]"
Subject: RE: script log at startup
To: ""

I just need to know what the software does on startup. In particular what 
tests it runs or files it creates, updates, etc. In particular is there any 
part of the startup process that is failing but not preventing Soft to run.

Currently Soft is able to save a scene, it can then read it back in, but if 
I close Soft the saved file is no longer readable the next time Soft is run.

I've deleted preferences. It is doing the same regardless what version of 
Soft I use.

Joey Ponthieux
LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES II)
Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI)
NASA Langley Research Center
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party. 

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