Yes, I am converting once per axis :) now shamed...

 thanks for the tip Cesar, I'll try storing everything once and massaging
data later on.

Em terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2016, Cesar Saez <> escreveu:

> I hope you are not converting the array once per axis like in the snippet
> :)
> It's way better to get all the data in one call and manage the data
> re-shuffling on your own (i.e. python/jscript/vbscript/whatwever native
> types), Softimage's calls are relatively expensive as there's a round trip
> through win32com in order to make it talk with different interpreters, the
> less you hit the SDK the better (generally speaking).
> On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 11:12 PM, Fabricio Chamon <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> found it.
>> pIndex = 0;
>> rotation x  = pointcloud.ActivePrimitive.GetICEAttributeFromName("
>> Orientation").DataArray.toArray()[pIndex].RotX
>> rotation y  = pointcloud.ActivePrimitive.GetICEAttributeFromName("
>> Orientation").DataArray.toArray()[pIndex].RotY
>> rotation z  = pointcloud.ActivePrimitive.GetICEAttributeFromName("
>> Orientation").DataArray.toArray()[pIndex].RotZ
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