buy global mapper for sure! although it's better if you have a budget for
the premium satellite imagery (the free stuff is ok in continental USA, but
globally not so hot)


also buy this tutorial from Gnomon


really good sections on using global mapper and getting elevation data and
imagery to line up


finally screw google, we spent months trying to buy imagery from them and
they just don't know how to deal with 'customers'


there are also independent satellite imaging companies, that often supply
their data for use in google maps/earth, so if you are well funded, you
could approach them directly





[] On Behalf Of Fabian Schnuer
Sent: 13 May 2016 13:08
Subject: Re: Google Earth Pro 3D data or similar?



I have tried a few times and failed trying to get anything from Google
Earth. I used public DEM/GeoTIFF data last time I had to do something like
that. Depending where you are flying over there are also some good national
databases out there.


You have stuff like and there is at least
one 3dsmax plugin also. is a good low-cost
product for dealing with this sort of data and converting various GeoTIFF
projections for example.


Best of luck.



On 13 May 2016 at 13:44, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:

I need to create a flyover of parts of Europe which is supposed to look very
much like in Google Earth, but with added bits and pieces I need to create.
I took a look at Google Earth Pro which pretty much provides the type of
imagery I need, but I want to get my hands on the 3D data with textures so I
can do my stuff in XSI, not just render a movie out from GEP.

Google are not very helpful concerning how to contact them, so I thought
someone here surely had to do something similar at some point.

Has anybody here succeeded in getting said Google Data or gone with a DM
data and sattelite imagery provider?

Any hints will be most welcome.

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