Maya still sucks balls. I can't even cry anymore.

Houdini rocks.


2016-08-06 0:16 GMT+02:00 Matt Lind <>:

> Basically any non-Autodesk product will do.
> I'm looking into Houdini right now as they've made a ton of improvements in
> the past couple of releases.  I gave Fabric Engine a short run a while
> back,
> but due to it's lack of maturity and lack of features relevant to my work,
> I
> had to let it go.  I may revisit it in the future.
> In big picture terms, I'm focused more on writing code than using 3D apps
> these days.  Node interfaces have their advantages in production work, but
> I
> tend to find myself in situations where I need new functionality of the
> application as a whole, not just new exposed features within it's already
> defined framework.
> Matt
> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2016 15:39:05 -0500
> From: Bradley Gabe <>
> Subject: Reminiscing
> To: ""
> Hi list! We haven't chatted in ages, and I wanted to see who I could dig up
> out of the caves with a little reminiscence about the good old days.
> I found this thread
> <!topic/xsi_list/nmus1TnkON8> from the
> Friday Flashback archives and it reminded me of a time when an XSI TD had
> amazing power for creative problem solving at his fingertips. Even the
> drudge work of shot tech support had, for a time, become fun again, when
> you could cook up something clever through sheer experimentation (and a
> spoonful of stubbornness).
> Having been out of the loop long enough now, just curious where everyone
> has gone to find that same kind of satisfaction? What goodies has the
> industry offered to empower the user?
> -B
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