This would be very straight forward in houdini, and possibly a good
exercise to get going ;)

On 3 November 2016 at 13:19, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:

> I am trying to put together an effect where I need to explode prefractured
> chunks of geometry from a mesh.
> Ideally it should be controllable so I can move a null o an object around
> and start bits flying off away from the original unfractured objects
> surface along the normals.
> I Have fractured the bits and used Julian Johnsons excellent Faster
> Polygon Islands operator to generate particles and lock the chunks to the
> particles. This setup works fine in a non simulated tree where I can do
> nonsimulated effects like turbulizing the position of the particles with
> emtool_turbulize_position, but I need to make it simulated, apply some
> forces, and use some sort of inititalizing object for the effect, so it can
> be animated to grow from one place on the geoemtry and spread out over the
> surface.
> I can't really figure out how to take the pointcloud generated by Julians
> emVI_Create Particles from Island Centres and explode the particles. Is
> there perhaps a tutorial somewhere or a different method for attaching
> geometry to particles and simulate them, either just straight forward or as
> Bullet RBDs?
> Thanks.
> //Morten
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