you could try Meshmixer, it’s free and used for 3D printing but has a 
“hollowing” feature that might work.

> On 12 Dec 2016, at 16:25, Fabricio Chamon <> wrote:
> ...well and minutes after writing the e-mail I found a really reliable 
> solution in houdini, that is messing with vdb to smooth the internal part. 
> The vdbsmooth op retains the nice sharp corners while reducing intersections, 
> that is exactly what I want! The only problem is how to merge both parts back 
> while mantaining UVs. Houdini is giving me this warning: "A mis-match of 
> attributes on the inputs was detected. Some of the attribute values may not 
> be initialized to expected values, i.e.: name, path, N, uv."
> Of course this is me not handling the attribute transfer correctly, so any 
> help is much appreciated! =)
> Tree and results:
> <houdini.jpg>
> 2016-12-12 12:55 GMT-02:00 Fabricio Chamon < 
> <>>:
> Hey everybody, 
> what are your choices when it comes to thickness/solidify (or whatever you 
> call it) geometry?
> What software/operator or plugin you find most reliable to ouput a good geo? 
> I'm doing some fracture work lately, and I've always had problems to solidify 
> complex geometry (with varying thickness/sharp angles and corners/etc). It 
> ends up self-intersecting the inside part, which obviusly causes problems 
> when you have to shatter later on.
> Here's a good example, this is a corner piece from a rubiks cube (left 
> original, right solidified, bottom isolated internal result geo):
> <bad_geo.jpg>
> I've tried some options like:
> - apply the operator, then select the internal part and relax/smooth the geo 
> (not ideal, since it starts to degrade the original shape, to the point it 
> starts creating some internal/external intersections in some areas)
> - using blender, that has a nice feature on its thickness operator called 
> "clamp". It is exaclty what I need, but it's limited and does not work good 
> in this piece for some reason.
> I'm sure there are more smart options out there...maybe a vdb stuff for the 
> internal part, then converting it back to geo, but I'm out of ideas right now.
> How would you approach this ? (mesh is attached, in case someone wants to 
> give it a shot).
> Thanks a lot guys!
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