Hey Matt, I would to chime in with a side question. You mentioned a few
things regarding user prefs. Is xsibatch using the user preferences to some
extend? He was able to render the passes from inside XSI but xsibatch
crashed on the local workstation and the farm. This is what puzzles me.

-----Original Message-----
From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 10:21 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: RE: Need help - Scene crashing on the farm - renders in the UI

Edit: I meant anything that makes a call to the UI.

You want to inspect the scene for anything that can cause the UI to be
updated such as a PPG being displayed, a layout menu being hidden/unhidden, 
something that invokes the UI to refresh, etc...   For example, do you have 
a script which runs automatically whenever you change render passes or
selection?  How about OpenGL display such as frame stamps?  An embedded
viewport in a custom layout which updates when selection changes?

Since you mentioned you're using SItoA, make sure you're on a version of
Softimage that doesn't have SItoA issues.  if using 2014, make sure you're
using 2014 SP2 as the main release and SP1 had a fatal issue specifically
with Arnold.

Even if you don't render your images with mental ray, consider using it as a
debugging tool by activating the basic and detailed debug settings in your
render options.  The idea being that it's a quick way to cut the size of the
problem in half as XSI is really 2 programs in 1.  The interface and data is
XSI, but the rendering is all mental ray.  Translation has to occur to go
from one to the other.  If you can get mental ray to spit out errors, then
it indicates it's a data problem.  If mental ray gives clean bill of health,
but you still crash, then it's squarely an XSI application or user interface
error.  Warning: the output will be enormous, but if there's a problem
mental ray will provide better details about it than straight XSI will.

I would advise making sure you're in the default XSI layout with no
customizations, then send that off to xsibatch.

Also, edit the following user preferences:
    - deactivate: General > Launch Netview on Startup
    - activate: Scripting > Log size = unlimited
    - activate: Scripting > Log commands
    - activate: Scripting > Log Messages
    - activate: Scripting > Log Verbose Messages
    - activate: Scripting > Real-time Message logging
    - activate: Scripting > Log to File (and specify a file)
    - activate: Scripting > Log File (defaults to <username>.log in your XSI
user folder)

These won't log everything, but if it's XSI specific, you'll at least get a
rough idea of where the problem may be located.  Render using xsibatch and
see where it leads.

If the above doesn't solve the problem, try these preferences:
    - activate: Data Management > Disable all geometry operators on load
    - activate: Data Management > Skip loading of floating objects
    - activate: Data Management > Disable cycle checking when applying
animation operators
    - activate: Data Management > Disable cycle checking when editing ICE
    - activate: Data Management > Kills all notifs during load
    - activate: Data Management > Records user and time information in

If activating all these settings causes the scene to successfully render in
xsibatch, then back up a few steps and deactivate them one at a time between
renders until the problem resurfaces.  You're mostly likely to see changes
with the disable geometry operators on load, and skip loading of floating
objects settings.  Especially the latter considering you've already reported
such messages (as a result of merging scenes - don't do that).


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2017 14:26:19 +0100 (CET)
From: Morten Bartholdy <x...@colorshopvfx.dk>
Subject: RE: Need help - Scene crashing on the farm - renders in the UI
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

Thanks for the insight Matt. There is a problem of sorts in the scene which
xsi does not like. I can't think of anything making graphics calls, but then
again I don't know what they might be. I am rendering with Sitoa so lots of
Arnold specific stuff, loads of standins and a lot of big displacement
combined with a sort of large scene extent, around 40.000 units across.

I can render a region in the UI but if I save the scene after that, XSI
saves the scene but hangs. In one attempt to fix the scene I tried merging
the scene into an empty scene - XSI crashes. Rendering with RoyalRender
xsibatch after rebuilding the scene I find that it renders a few frames
randomly but still crashes with the same error messages.
I have tried hiding suspected offenders one at a time and it still crashes. 
I need to check some more items here as there are many.

Arnold standalone kick renders it fine, and so far creating .ass files and
rendering i RoyalRender seems to work too. All this points to xsi/xsibatch
having a problem with this particular scene and combination of objects,
passes and overrides, but the maddening thing is I still don't have a clue
what causes it. Unfortunately AD has made sure I can't get support help.

It would be great if upgrading to 2015 SP2 would fix it but I have no way of
knowing without trying it, which is not straightforward due to a Maya/RR

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