And forgot to tell you as far as I know this vop needs to run on Detail

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 2:46 PM, Oscar Juarez <>

> You have to use addvertex to actually add the primitive. So for creating a
> primitive line with two points, you have to add points one add primitive
> and two add vertex. Addvertex expects one primitive number and one point
> number. Remember that to fully have a primitive you need the vertices too.
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 2:36 PM, Olivier Jeannel <>
> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Does someone has an example of how addprim VOP should be connected ?
>> Let's say I have 10 points and want to add on big open polygon (line) to
>> them.
>> The internet is empty... (and oddforce is closed)
>> Thank you !
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