Is there a way to prevent Softimage translating words?

If someone is using Softimage in Japanese, it will translate my PPG options
and destroying the whole layout.

I managed to keep some words in my group titles by adding a few spaces, but
I can't prevent Softimage from trying to "translate" my numbers. If that
makes any sense.

I think it is a font problem, but I don't see any option for font size or
font type.

I have a small button with numbers in it like 2.0.
This number changes to 256 if I check a checkbox.
If I uncheck the checkbox, it will be back to 2.0
Pretty simple, and it works fine in English.

But in Japanese, the fonts are automatically shrinked once they change.
If I uncheck the box it will be back to 2.0 with the shrinked font.
And if I check again the box, it will change to 256 and shrink even more !
And so on until you can't see anything.

I recorded it :

Does anyone have an idea to prevent this from happening ?

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