Is it realistic assuming anyone at all (except someone with a brain the size of 
a watermelon ;-) can come out of a 2 year course and command Houdini in any 
meaningful way? I don’t think so… let alone their art, C4D and Houdini.

In terms of market realities and "in-house teams able to compete”, I am not 
sure of that either… we are in times of both, commoditisation and 
consolidation, with big companies attracting the very finest talent to the 
finest projects and many agencies, production, broadcasters and others moving 
into the VFX arena in the hope of a slice of the money they now spend outside 
which ultimately will fulfil the simplest projects as scale is truly 
challenging and therefore expensive.

Those guys that are worth their salt will have ambitions to work with the best, 
and they will leave to get better project, better money and more fulfilling 

My 2 cents of today

PS. BTW, Sky has closed their VFX unit.

> On 2 May 2018, at 22:26, Jonathan Moore <> wrote:
> Unless there is a major breakthrough in education I doubt a 20 years 
> experience Houdini FXTD will have his rates go down… if anything is going to 
> be the total opposite.
> We're already seeing a leveling of the playing field with junior & 
> middleweight motion designers. A few years back a technical artist with both 
> C4D and Houdini skills was able to command a good 25-50% premium. These days 
> it's an expectation of any technical artist hire (that their skills cover 
> both C4D and Houdini, and for an hourly rate equivalent to that paid to a 
> purely C4D technical artist a few years back). But that's as much a case of 
> Houdini education breaking free of FX focused Universities such as 
> Bournemouth (UK). These days Houdini is included as part of the mix in some 
> graphic and fine arts based courses such as those on offer via the various 
> UAL institutions (University of the Arts London). Many young freelancers 
> touting their trade to motion design shops don't see scripting or programming 
> as a barrier to creative expression; in many cases, they see it as a useful 
> catalyst. 
> I was only joshing when I spoke about reduced hourly rates, but behind the 
> sarcasm was a reality of technical skills in the creative marketplace. As 
> Houdini becomes more accessible to generalists, the worth of specialists is 
> diluted. It's just the nature of things. I'm not talking FXTD's with 20 years 
> of experience here, but in-house creative teams at e.g the likes of Sky or 
> the BBC, will be able to complete projects themselves, without having to rely 
> on expensive freelance specialists. Generalist isn't a dirty word in these 
> environments, for some businesses, good quality generalists are worth much 
> more than specialists (not that they have the budgets to pay them more). 
> SideFX's efforts has made Houdini more accessible to generalists to a certain 
> degree, but the reality is that Houdin at the very least requires a 
> programmatic mindset and ideally decent scripting skills. 
> Those at the tail end of their career, that came from a pure fine arts 
> education are at a definite disadvantage with a technical application like 
> Houdini. 
> Softimage was unique in it's ability to offer both technical and non 
> technical artists uncompromised capabilities for creative expression. I'm not 
> certain that another single DCC will come along that offers such 
> uncompromised abilities to both audiences. And whilst that doesn't impact 
> larger pipelines too much, I'm conscious that a fair number of people on this 
> list run independent creative businesses (with 10 or less employees). In the 
> past a single DCC such as Softimage was all that was needed to be 
> competitive. These days I don't think a single DCC exists to cater to the 
> generalist needs of these types of businesses. It's more a case of working 
> out which pair of DCC's covers you best for the market your targeting. For 
> some that decision will be based purely on native capabilities, for others 
> plugin requirements/availability will be a core consideration too.
> On 2 May 2018 at 20:42, Laurence Dodd < 
> <>> wrote:
> As soon as I started looking at Maya, it just made me sad, but when I delved 
> into Houdini i felt quite at home and it always feels like they are pushing 
> it forward.
> Also re Maya I never had that "ooh thats a good feature", but with Houdini 
> its all the time, I just need to up my coding skills.
> On 2 May 2018 at 19:23, Jordi Bares < 
> <>> wrote:
>> I personally don't ever see Houdini filling the Softimage void. The 
>> engineering that powers the Houdini user experience very often requires a 
>> totally different mindset for solving the same end goals. I think Houdini 
>> fills an ICE void, but the rounded user experience of Softimage is so much 
>> harder to fill.
> I agree the elegant “no-frills" workflow in Softimage is not going to be 
> replicated anytime soon but there have been some truly remarkable efforts to 
> get closer while keeping Houdini true to its procedural roots (which 
> obviously is the right thing to do)
>> Plus I think there are parts of the Houdini community that don't want to see 
>> the user experience to become more artist friendly. If Houdini is easier to 
>> drive, they might see their hourly rates drop! ;)
> Unless there is a major breakthrough in education I doubt a 20 years 
> experience Houdini FXTD will have his rates go down… if anything is going to 
> be the total opposite.
> My 2 cents
> jb
>> On 2 May 2018 at 17:07, Laurence Dodd < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Its something I've been wondering too. I have been learning Houdini for the 
>> last year or more, and I really like it, but I am concerned I'm going to 
>> spend my working days doing vfx sims, which isn't my favourite. Houdini is 
>> still very much shoved into the vfx box.
>> I dread the thought of being forced into Maya, stick with it and hope people 
>> start using it more generally, or start looking at C4D or something, eek.
>> Laurence
>> On 2 May 2018 at 11:56, David Saber < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I'd like to know if Houdini is somewhere used as a generalist tool: not only 
>> simulations and FX but also modelling , texturing, , rigging, animation, 
>> lighting a scene, etc?
>> Is there a company that uses Houdini this way?
>> And if no, do you think a company will use Houdini this way someday?
>> Thanks
>> David
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