Funny you found vex convenient and vops cumbersome :) I'm the opposite ;)

2018-05-06 19:28 GMT+02:00 Jordi Bares <>:

> On 5 May 2018, at 17:52, Laurence Dodd <> wrote:
> Hi Jordi,
> PS. I am thinking… would it be of interest for you guys if I talk to
> SideFX to organise a crash course in Houdini for Softimage users? May be
> replicating one of the old XSI tutorials live in Houdini??? I still love
> those tutorials… remember the carnivore plant?
> I would love to see these, thanks.
> :-).  will chat with them
> I'm pretty comfortable in Houdini, and day to day stuff is all fine, in
> fact I love so much about Houdini; but at the moment for me its as soon as
> you hit the Vex stuff I stumble, but thats my shortcoming, and its getting
> better, just have to knuckle down.
> I have seen two types of approaches, those confortable with programming go
> to VEX because it is so direct and compact… the others (like me) use
> regular SOPs and only dive to VEX when I want to avoid VOPs which are a bit
> too cumbersome for my own taste… VEX is so convenient…
> But as you say, it is a matter of just going for it…
> jb
> On 4 May 2018 at 19:22, Jordi Bares <> wrote:
>> For the sake of sharing my experiences...
>> On 4 May 2018, at 14:24, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:
>> Pardon me for intruding, but I have to agree with Jonathan here.
>> It used to be that developers worked to make better tools and make them
>> more accessible to the average artist (and I am not talking about Kais
>> Powertools ;), but that path seems to have been abandoned in the pursuit of
>> better and more advanced tools, and letting it up to the users to get a
>> degree in rocket science to be able to wield said tools at all
>> Tools are getting easier (just look at the new hair system in 16.5 vs
>> 16.0 or the new MAT context in order to blend BRDFs properly), complex
>> things are simply complex (DOPs for example) and you can’t simplify certain
>> things without loosing the whole point or it will take a lot to get there
>> (for example custom controls with DOPs records and others)
>> Houdini is probably the best example of this. I know a lot of effort has
>> gone in to making it more accessible, but to my knowledge it still requires
>> a fair amount of insight into expression syntax and scripting plus more
>> than basic math end vector knowhow to get even simple things done.
>> The fact you can add expressions in your fields (something you can’t do
>> in softimage) means you don’t need to script as much… so arguably you can
>> choose between learning simple expressions or learning to program.
>> Both require a certain level of simple maths involving trigonometry,
>> vectors and matrices.
>> I understand your position (stated in earlier threads) that the increased
>> demands on production requires more complex solutions/tools,
>> I would say sophisticated rather than complex… for example packed
>> primitives allow you to do things that are truly mind-bending in
>> combination with Material Style Sheets, but that does not mean they are
>> difficult of full of moving parts.
>> but I don't buy the premise that it also has(!) to become more difficult
>> to use.
>> I don’t think that either.. a good example of sophisticated tools in
>> Houdini 16 and 16.5 that are a pleasure to work are the new terrain tools…
>> but it is also true that unfortunately some problems are complex no matter
>> what.
>> Good UI devs could alleviate that and make even really complex stuff
>> accessible to the least technical artist in the room if ressources were
>> made available, ie the management and dev team leads concur it would be a
>> good idea. I am going out on a limb and guessing it might often come down
>> to this – spend ressources on making the tool more accessible or spend them
>> on making more and better tools… In reality I think in all fairness they
>> try and balance it while keeping a keen eye on their userbase and potential
>> for increasing it.
>> With the UI and UX there is a major point Jeff Wagner explained to me
>> long time ago… Houdini is non-linear (branches splitting and mixing again)
>> so many things there can be easily put on a linear system (like Softimage)
>> are not possible in Houdini and therefore we have to accept certain
>> limitations. Exactly the same than ICE, you don’t have many tools making
>> your live eraser in terms of workflow inside ICE, you need to know what you
>> are doing.
>> But it is true also that Softimage vision of ICE is a lot neater, easier
>> and element in terms of packaging functionality in ICE… A LOT BETTER IN
>> FACT.
>> What remains is that people like me find Houdini way too technical for
>> practical use (the steep learning curve) and as such I have not delved into
>> it for real yet.
>> May be that is what makes you feel it is complex...
>> I will for sure, because I think it is probably the only major 3D DCC
>> which is really evolving and making groundbreaking tools available to the
>> users, so it will very likely inherit the world, but for me, and probably
>> many others, as Jonathan probably indicates, it would do so much faster if
>> it was made even easier to use :)
>> Agreed, there are many things that should be a lot easier because you do
>> them all the time (like path deform for example, or layering animation, or
>> having a shape manager and others) but don’t be mistaken, it is not
>> difficult at all until you need to dive in certain areas.
>> And that would mean I would get to spend less time in Maya which honestly
>> makes me short of breath to the point of needing to vomit, almost every day.
>> Well, then I can guarantee you you will age slower.  ;-)
>> Peace and have a great weekend.
>> jb
>> PS. I am thinking… would it be of interest for you guys if I talk to
>> SideFX to organise a crash course in Houdini for Softimage users? May be
>> replicating one of the old XSI tutorials live in Houdini??? I still love
>> those tutorials… remember the carnivore plant?
>> Just my two kr (the coin we use here)
>> Have a nice weekend all – Morten
>> Den 3. maj 2018 klokken 19:17 skrev Jordi Bares <>:
>> And by my judgement, Houdini is no closer to being a generalist
>> replacement for Softimage.
>> This is what I would love to understand if you don’t mind…
>> jb
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> Laurence Dodd
> Porkpie Animation
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