Just to clarify Tim. I gave you a reason for the business buy-in for
greater control of 'look'  through the pipeline (and over time) but the
technical bias I have is that I'm far more familiar with the Houdini Python
API than I am with the Katana API (and with Vex vs LUA). From my admittedly
spewed perspective, I also believe the documentation of the Houdini Python
API is better than the Katana equivalent.

My original questions arose from the acknowledgement that my own views are
skewed by a bias based on my existing knowledge of Houdini, which by far
outweighs my knowledge of Katata.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2018 at 19:51, Jonathan Moore <jonathan.moo...@gmail.com>

> Ref Clarisse Angus, I'm a massive fan. In many ways it's design philosophy
> is very similar to Katana. The downside is that it only comes with it's own
> renderer.
> For environmental shots and matte painting it seems to be the go to
> solution and further than that, I think it's DNEG that have brought on
> board for all their broadcast output. But they also use Katana for the
> features pipeline.
> Katana being Redshift friendly is a big plus point over Clarisse, and over
> the next 12-18 months, RenderMan, 3Delight and Arnold will have their own
> GPU solutions too, so that's another black cross Clarisse. And outside of
> indie licenses Clarisse is that much cheaper than Katana.
> Great product none the less, I just wish they allowed 3rd party renderers,
> even though they may break many of Clarisse's biggest selling points such
> as the fluidly of the viewport with multi-million poly assets.
> On Thu, 5 Jul 2018 at 19:39, Jonathan Moore <jonathan.moo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Katana might be overkill for that. But it’s not entirely clear
>>> specifically what kind of work they need to do, specifically.
>> The reason that Katana has come into the equation is that the client is
>> looking for greater control on 'look' over and extended period of time. The
>> nature of advertising has changed drastically over the last 10-15 years.
>> Advertising budgets first saw a shift to online spend (which frankly wasn't
>> very interesting from a production perspective) but the last 5-10 years
>> have seen a shift into a range of 'experiential' content with long form
>> filmic content distributed through various digital channels and
>> experiential situations (attempting to avoid the words AR/VR here and oops
>> just failed!). And within all this flux the lines have blurred between the
>> creative idea space of advertising agencies and what multi-form content
>> production facilities have been doing outside of their core 'VFX' output.
>> Elements of the advertising industry are attempting to muscle back a bit of
>> client relationship control they lost to the smarter production facilities.
>> So where does Katana/Houdini fit into this? One of the problems with all
>> these emerging new channels for clients to spend their money is that
>> consistency of the way brand assets are presented over time has been less
>> than ideal. And this is a key area where advertising/branding agencies are
>> strong, so anything that enables them muscle back as the key client
>> creative partner is something seen as being a worthwhile investment.
>> They're not creating feature length content, but over the same time period
>> of a typical feature production, the client can often be creating more
>> content for distribution through different channels. The challenges are not
>> so very different to managing a major show from a project/production
>> management perspective.
>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2018 at 17:48, Angus Davidson <angus.david...@wits.ac.za>
>> wrote:
>>> Octane stand alone is an amazing piece of software. We use it at Wits
>>> for our student renderings. Incredibly fast and powerful. Its what Shake
>>> would have been as a 3d renderer ;)
>>> --
>>> ICT Project Manager
>>> Digital Arts
>>> Wits School of the Arts
>>> angus.david...@wits.ac.za
>>> 011 717 4683
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [
>>> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] on behalf of Ivan Vasiljevic [
>>> klebed...@gmail.com]
>>> *Sent:* 05 July 2018 05:30 PM
>>> *To:* Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__groups.google.com_forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwIFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=MPm-zNEb4r-m30y02cfVngo_JjYaZuiBXACjwkOFnLE&s=GDeiED44zSuk6uOUQnQoAdtWMjqh14XrM0JDa5CVg5g&e=
>>> <https://u7507473.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=5SmYwFIJXHmC5X9wAP0G6mg4oLGBuQENbeDkYXezg3m6vjHxJcC6rUMd8QE2MtqzowgyFFK4aAsDEzrdrVTV4Q6qbgbc-2FgnnpGob6G467zR75G56-2BuWz1AMtPXsoVdDXV-2BcQeKP7tI8SfI-2Feh9je40vvx3436uOx6vrklEqpeyqPKkXVPfz6qMRHJd0eOKIePEN0YAL37Luq9jdMxwUQ-2B-2BRd-2BzZt2T9VxBgS-2F7-2BNUnvG9z9TmWmFS-2B4uEd-2BDR5tjkjuwZSTUuyURU-2By5w2UWlS4ZNwN4c-2F67AZ-2BdnKQaztojTzqDhUBjfP8FL4zumZ4v-2BWobsnSntyG5PSLT0vB8DUIEeTL-2FVQT3jFmvgylaBo6z0LxsbbJSklugb0QF9uKrE0riw3NXAo39SWaLN2U3cQ-3D-3D_8oxW4HKyAHmpsFLR5-2FCi07AjfPcvdujiFz-2FAu1T5li25QaVlA-2Bnhzs13OR7b2KlqImDzJo0knT4losH-2Fpm6QtuHLRJHQjquBo2aU4eWuiozg3HUbInrS7fIIwL5L3ko46dbiKixHZFb3LSxwqZSvTxfebbiAhE43g1toE-2B-2FQinCb-2FLLwoZfxIUGzzBCfQGUWdVDlP0-2F4quJkCwpULSVw4QzoWfwjKsb5ZDQ2hP-2Fqvqk-3D>
>>> *Subject:* Re: Anybody here have a view on Houdini vs Katana for
>>> lookdev/lighting workflows.
>>> I know this is totally out of your focus but have you tried Octane
>>> Standalone?
>>> You also do have it as Houdini plugin and it can easily transfer
>>> complete scene data to a standalone app for further look dev/rendering,
>>> with a single click of a button...
>>> Just my 2ct.
>>> Cheers.
>>> Ivan
>>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 4:59 PM Tim Crowson <tcrow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I used Katana at MPC, and lately have been using Houdini at Method.
>>>> Bear in mind that my use of these products has been for feature films, with
>>>> medium to heavy shot content. I have not used them in any other context.
>>>> Bear in mind also that both platforms (because that’s really what they are)
>>>> require some degree of custom development to achieve efficiency in lighting
>>>> (as I define efficiency, at least).
>>>> I far prefer Katana.
>>>> In my view Katana makes it FAR easier to manage scene data without
>>>> losing your mind. K is also much more elegant in how it handles per-pass
>>>> overrides. Houdini’s options for per-ROP overrides (on things that are not
>>>> the ROP itself, which is vital to be able to do) are problematic for me,
>>>> personally.
>>>> Katana also makes it much easier to read the state of things, simply by
>>>> looking at the graph. Houdini’s paradigm presents you with a bunch of
>>>> disconnected nodes that don’t seem to be related at all, forcing you to
>>>> inspect parameters to see what is going on. You adapt to that, but it does
>>>> create extra mental steps that have to be taken while working. One of my
>>>> pet peeves is the single-line string field used in the Objects tab on ROPs.
>>>> It’s a good deal of work to properly read that kind of field, even on mild
>>>> shots. It’s just a space-delineated list of paths. Translating that into
>>>> meaningful information takes more time than it should.
>>>> Houdini’s takes are interesting, although the pros where I am never use
>>>> them because of awful past experiences. And the few times I have tried to
>>>> use them they bugged out and simply didn’t work reliably. Besides, at the
>>>> conceptual level, I don’t agree with storing scene states (or overrides)
>>>> abstracted from a ROP, *unless* you can combine them later. You wind up
>>>> making one take per ROP, which then makes me wonder why they aren’t just
>>>> stored on the ROP in the first place.
>>>> Katana make sure it incredibly easy, in my view, to not only visualize
>>>> the data flow, but also to assetize the overrides themselves, for use
>>>> elsewhere or in other Katana files, combined in any way you like.
>>>> On the lookdev and lighting fronts alike, Katana’s CEL statements
>>>> absolutely demolish the equivalent syntax available in Houdini. CEL
>>>> statements are simply more advanced and “smarter” in what they let you
>>>> target within a scene graph.
>>>> For me, lighting especially comes down to efficient data management. In
>>>> film it’s far more technical of a discipline than people think. The
>>>> artistic part can be done pretty quickly. Managing how a shot is broken
>>>> down into layers, in a way that makes responsible use of available
>>>> resources, is the bigger challenge. And in my view Katana is the king here
>>>> (though Image Engine’s Gaffer is very similar, from what I understand).
>>>> I have been using Houdini lately on Aquaman and I guess it’s the stress
>>>> of production building up, but it’s really just getting on my nerves. Seems
>>>> like there are far too many possible points of failure and bugs, unless you
>>>> design a strong custom UX front end, and that’s a lot of work. Getting
>>>> Katana up to production-ready status requires less development effort, in
>>>> my view.
>>>> But there is that insane Foundry price tag...
>>>> I am curious to hear from others, because my exposure to Houdini is
>>>> admittedly limited.
>>>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 8:45 AM Jonathan Moore <
>>>> jonathan.moo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have a client (an advertising network with their own production
>>>>> facilities) that currently have a pipeline involving Maya and Houdini with
>>>>> RenderMan and Redshift as rendering options. There's a smattering of Max
>>>>> and Modo for asset creation but that's beyond the scope of my enquiry.
>>>>> We're currently going through the process of deciding whether Katana
>>>>> would be an effective tool to add to their pipeline as their are moving
>>>>> into longer form branded content as well as their existing advertising
>>>>> output.
>>>>> I have a major cognitive bias going into this assessment that Houdini
>>>>> can be used for Katana style deferred rendering workflows as well as it's
>>>>> FX bread and butter. Introducing Katana will come at a considerable cost 
>>>>> so
>>>>> I'm wondering what others think and feel about Katana, particularly if
>>>>> they've already gone through a similar thought process. It doesn't matter
>>>>> whether you use Katana in you pipeline (or have used it in the past) I'm
>>>>> just looking for any considered views ref Katana benefits.
>>>>> And Jordi, if you're reading this, I would love your take on Houdini
>>>>> as a lookdev/lighting toolset as I understand that's exactly how you use 
>>>>> it
>>>>> at Framestore.
>>>>> Funnily enough, the more deeply I research this, the more I'm reminded
>>>>> how ahead of the game the Softimage team were. The whole models workflow
>>>>> (and underlying philosophy) was incredibly flexible as well as powerful.
>>>>> Sure it had some gnarly aspects much like any referencing system (from 
>>>>> what
>>>>> I hear, Katana it littered with these referencing cul-de-sac's too).
>>>>> My internal bias towards Houdini is that is has so many strengths with
>>>>> regard to deferred procedural loading, packed disc primitives etc etc, and
>>>>> to be frank, shading networks in Katana suck right now. Plus Houdini 
>>>>> pretty
>>>>> much invented the nodal shading game with VOPs.
>>>>> As a positive for Katana, I'm really impressed with the 3delight
>>>>> integration, and it's promise of seamless a seamless pipe with Maya (a
>>>>> necessary evil not a preferred choice). I've always had a soft spot for
>>>>> 3delight and the new OSL driven, artist centric presentation layer/UX is
>>>>> something that connects with my own thoughts about delivering flexible
>>>>> rendering power without the need to have all the wiring on show.
>>>>> Apologies for the lengthy post. I'm hopping that one or two of you
>>>>> have gone through similar considerations as you've gradually planned your
>>>>> move away from Soft.
>>>>> As ever, thanks in advance.
>>>>> jm
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>>>>> Softimage Mailing List.
>>>>> To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-requ...@listproc.autodesk.com
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>>>> Softimage Mailing List.
>>>> To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-requ...@listproc.autodesk.com
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>>> --
>>> Ivan Vasiljevic
>>> -
>>> Lighting TD
>>> Founder, Digital Asset Tailors
>>> -
>>> web:    
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__digitalassettailors.com_&d=DwIFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=MPm-zNEb4r-m30y02cfVngo_JjYaZuiBXACjwkOFnLE&s=VQLeB6b0irP_Xh5ODOzUrC1Olsl5FA6l-cVuAgHVkYo&e=
>>> <https://u7507473.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=5SmYwFIJXHmC5X9wAP0G6iB4H67OtDu1LYz6krlc8-2FqBeLCXrELBQVbfMn71cNywwCM9MLKQNt6NvY2bdnUVgiRuzEw0g0OZUwVhB4KIDvkjTtq34l13Jmfjgwg01isCCK511SfOUct9zBCzgDFFRO-2FaVrThr3vNXUM7RiWhBe-2BeNhsuRVYy8WcsXk6VbpXImEfuRQawGiawr4d49P-2FHnLnlELB9OOSGEp8kBIqiFZxa2fSH2uroog4eQsi5i0iGOvAlBanKasL72X371xL3Z1-2FMAUK-2F1-2Bn7d4-2Fi9jwJGmD-2FXB0QlJXgqMM4kstz-2Fm56HjIsU-2BkoNKiHaHAxbA8n7qCi7fJECJ12MiQJpTrx2jdKAVEl2TMRQhLEtTciPrq5aAxaLUdKNNFq3mJIfJtqA7-2FFJ8GGgATrqcO3MoIhrHZQxjkSOkXOkv57uT7TEncENffx6EqOVcFIQtM4g-2FX4ePSFWhHJ0FWM-2BUMDwUd00CC5aSEBd4WCbiCXWtzB1jKl-2BIlVBuTaFD9gme8nKmtykTJiTxTH3yI8Uz7xt4zKRasDXlcQD6m-2FBpU045xaqmIwTeuDzOTF6VuU5uLvHgdCZJvd97ooXEBMJPguIwQrCHAtknxaZUApNlnfuSaeH5zQ1mdzVrHCanT68AgJyW72NosWlNRGBeIg28p-2Ft9HVWPWv-2BYS8U4AOGMoYnOGynRgGUwAV8abiItqaWd6SorCOy8VKwJWTAJKpPmvEVuO7HUfSuNz6b4hH2lY5e7GVucFD4WPhCwiLi6TsVyqdZ4GW-2BQtBHiGX9F8oOYnLJv3nNarBW1YH3MkoaA8MgToJcaeV-2BejlEUqjQRTk-2FIRByLdXbXvvnFAiOuEyoVb8tTtBK58jM1ZDT2xsfyvRSzJn5x2pw9uvcpGXcYSrzZgx-2BAYOcJ6rvylKvCGkp4Bj3DXDQAIp8BinfuHGd-2FGhqBjmN3tLmM-2BGWLaTTJKX98b7WJ1Y3Ie-2BBbvo5KiqHrKJG8hC2I-2B1SI4tPDrr3R-2B7d4mEmqsUyAARqujsePErfjWNy5pin7RKsbnzMwnScD9Ib9gsqaya5nNE3Scqmx1kyvb11xXITiqQ2jerYt2WnSTOyFcievJVLY-2Bl0R0Uit9jHvjP25X6-2Bti5P2WysQ-2BmgQhzYDycZwrBvl2-2Fs0g9qQprMD-2FbLIsfKFZxPxkU2RaIbFqyhjKBjntW8LxmLrQ3HCF0eoXO-2Fhn239Otjs5Mi4WJas50OiTxzav1Fy0R-2FHgTWNPcLKRvTNamQ7b-2FblM-2F-2FBsFcqDHR4Xj-2F-2FsL0qTN8khxjcKbQ5yMjg8PnmPz9AsUcnrIrI749QaNoO2SFgVyyUPj36YrliK9yF7G2IpuusXqs2ulo9UPSDoQq-2BT8MCDOJT5a6WfqCw-2FnX6SZ9QjwL3lpCmswmlDf9cSnthexOfWl96GiP12Fs2qm3N6SExZTvxfco6AWikHcl-2Bariyv9zUsNUXj3uCOYUGRdNq4wXCtbFBUfdaXIDGWqwnlCXRaoNxYL0Y87SrS-2Fv11RHi-2B7KnF3gaLbgiyA0mWYEn180UKC-2BOLHTUtzFTwCkSz-2BxTXv7vmxhyZYiPQK4oHn7J8cGMh072mp4j8tGXQGUgod4vOuuC-2BbaBW6RevAgVTnjIHtI6Zhdv6m8nv9mJJXxz4o6tW-2BxHddVIfnyqnfvVW4wh1QtS-2B3OTDTLubvhuwZiFmKSbds8061JWx085S3PkxwCapzAALYpKUSroij1EyTo-2FeaJxjtA1GY0P677Fy6HvbJneZE7OyD5qsvqZQGpVwqQ2qQEdF-2B7osX16uiIhEO2WurvGdsU2h82lk5Bo74qmn1Lv-2F-2F-2F6tzh7ZxpQGKXRyE7febj-2BgGhRpxNms5bxo9gBapZK1BWqK8becfkEu9JWRQMTO1gK7bz92JPZraSnDCjEUrSviztWJV9IoFYs8P7GmpkAtGJ64PxsWlptpo-2FCLkRTTxhkMXfq2qLnlwQ6EdtKuNiON3BdSjhjrztZK2a1x-2Bh4xgbyZ9-2F-2BqGyp-2BWAyKCGCPp1t5axh1WNsbPQkEKeR5EyHdQLm9WSLvzrhDJYmICt2GvZtZ1RGsUlmqvRsSFcao9-2FkWhc8gCuY4B-2F6fRmaU6UOKu5HnPvG2illWEgisEOeFHk1JOxVRQauPh7Ispfhc6qTlkFB9GrSfWizEgkvEZ5DuCeokygY26lzHaY-2Bp2HrqGXLx-2FfaIajd2nmZ1Nb6vEvsoz-2Bpnt9GrB73OzGJMYYfN0nn9ci-2FlqJPblGKqJNI9kfFZzMGGPVj7vNzeN6amTt6VnRuu6vwnH89lxXF3BeFVWeYpo3f9Qxj6sYr6HvvwLDA-3D-3D_8oxW4HKyAHmpsFLR5-2FCi07AjfPcvdujiFz-2FAu1T5li25QaVlA-2Bnhzs13OR7b2KlqImDzJo0knT4losH-2Fpm6Qttt0enyoRfGjpv3x-2FJQFLTMY8DeE81XrhjvBkKI3kkoGhvtBfoBm7ZbtsOhbs-2F-2Bx4qn-2FPTvsH5ha0wuvnnwB07e4t-2BvTvNyjCFoJHNkGu71O0NnXKSG-2BJeF1j-2BOANvB7PBKKqOx8HiV-2B3ICTok8avHI-3D>
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