: Any ideas on what the interface should look like?  
: Seems to run into some of the same questions... how should we allow
: POST and specify params about the post at the same time?

alternately, the API could just require that the XML file be POSTed, and
we could extract the stylesheet URL from the <?xml-stylesheet?> processing
directive, and load it from a remote URL.

: Can we do something more efficient than create XML just to parse it
: again... like use an API or an intermediate format?

As I understand the javax.xml.transform.* packages, both teh Transform
source nad result can either be DOM structures, IO Streams that XML are
read-from/written-to, or SAX Handler hooks.

So we could transform from an arbitrary File to the "standard" DOM
structure that we walk, or to a set of SAX Handlers ... but either way we
would be duplicating code that is already implimented in XPP.


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