Ok, let me show an example.  Assume, I want to perform the following
search: cat AND dog.  I can perform it 3 different ways:

a) simply search for: cat AND dog (cat +dog)
b) search for: cat dog (assuming schema.xml has <solrQueryParser
c) search for: cat dog (passing q.op=AND query parameter to the

I am wondering I can do something similar to b) and c) if I want
to perform a prefix query (of phrasequery)...

Ideally, I would like to have a parameter similar to defaultOperator,
like defaultQueryType which can take on values PREFIXQUERY, PHRASEQUERY
in which case the query string won't be parsed by QueryParser and will
interpreted as a prefix query.  E.g., assume I have
<solrQueryParser defaultQueryType="PREFIXQUERY"/> in my schema.xml

and I search for: solr, then it will be interpreted as the solr* query
in the current context (which is a prefix search, because currently
the queryparser parses the query string by default).


Quoting Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> : I would like to know if there is a way to support prefix, phrase, etc
> queries
> : in solr.  I know that the queries, such as solr* and "solr" would do the
> trick,
> : but I am looking for a solution similar to the SolrQueryParser
> defaultOperator
> : setting (with q.op={OR|AND} or in the schema config file).
> :
> : If such support does not exist, would it be a useful thing to have?
> I'm having a little trouble understanding what you mean ... can you
> elaborate with some examples (both of what the configuration would look
> like, and what hte behavior would be with some example inputs)
> -Hoss

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