what!? .. really????? ... you don't think the ones i mentioned before are
things we should support out of the box?

  - no stream parser (needed for simple GETs)
  - single stream from raw post body (needed for current updates
  - multiple streams from multipart mime in post body (needed for SOLR-85)
  - multiple streams from files specified in params (needed for SOLR-66)
  - multiple streams from remote URL specified in params

I have imagined the single default parser handles *all* the cases you
just mentioned.

GET: read params from paramMap().  Check thoes params for special
params that send you to one or many remote streams.

POST: depending on headers/content type etc you parse the body as a
single stream, multi-part files or read the params.

It will take some careful design, but I think all the standard cases
can be handled by a single parser.

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