For the record, I predicted this problem would come up...

: We could introduce some new types to tell the output handlers just how
: important it is to maintain order, so all named lists don't get
: treated the same.
: Example:
: class OrderedNamedList extends NamedList {...}

Ugh ... please no ... the "List" in "NamedList" is what indicates that
order is a factor (it's what distinguishes a NamedList from a hypothetical

: Using OrderedNamedList, means that it's really important that order be
: maintained, and we could a different strategy such as interleaving
: keys and values in a single array (or another strategy set by
: json.orderednl?)

i would much rather see us change any places in the Solr request handlers
where order does *not* matter to just use a Map ...then the ResponseWriter
could know that order in Maps doesn't matter, but order in NamedLists do.


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