On 1/25/07, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I'm using a slightly modified version of the json.org code.  It stores
: things in a LinkedHashMap (to maintain order) and formats dates
: explicitly.

Uh... watch out with that ... a LinkedHashMap is first and for most a Map,
so it doesn't support repeated keys.

I currently have some (ugly) code in the response writer that handles
repeated keys, just not nicely.

IMO, we should strive to be nice and not repeat keys when the
NamedList is more of the Map variety than the List.

(I suspect for a client API that's going to completley hide the transport
mechanism from the client code like this one -- using XML really is the
safest bet since it's the most expressive of all the formats we currently

JSON responses are smaller and can be quite a bit faster to parse.


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