On 2/3/07, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to be able to have a common schema.xml and solrconfig.xml
but be able to fire up Solr instances pointed to different data
directories.  I realize we have SOLR-79 in JIRA.  Is that the
approach we want long term?

Here's an off-the-cuff idea... what if we hook Config.get() to look
for system properties that would override configuration values.
SolrCore does this:

          dataDir = SolrConfig.config.get("dataDir",Config.getInstanceDir()

If it looked for a system property (perhaps with a "solr." prefix)
you could override anything Config serves up.  Thoughts?

Seems like a good idea... and as long as the env vars don't clash,
this doesn't conflict with SOLR-79.
Perhaps the full path with a leading solr.

So -Dsolr.config.dataDir=/path

Speaking of which, is this incorrect in SolrCore.java?

          public String getDataDir() { return index_path; }  // shouldn't
this return dataDir?
          public String getIndexDir() { return index_path; }

Fixed.  getDataDir() wasn't used anywhere outside SolrCore, and I
changed uses of getDataDir to getIndexDir.


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