On Feb 5, 2007, at 1:01 AM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
: Here's an off-the-cuff idea... what if we hook Config.get() to look
: for system properties that would override configuration values.
: SolrCore does this:

the number of different system properties could get very messy ...

well, there would be a lot of places things could be hooked, for sure. but that doesn't mean anyone would need to use them. in fact, i don't see much need for external overriding of configuration other than to share configuration with multiple data directories. i'm not sure where the mess would be. It'd be one line of coded added to Config.get(), no parsing changes, and only a few sentences needed to document. property expansion seems overkill.

the difference with SOLR-79 and my proposal is the ability to override a configuration without touching the configuration file at all.

another way to make this more customizable, would be to make sure we
support Xinclude when parsing xml config files...

+1, though this can already be hacked with entity reference includes in XML, which was the old school way to share bits of Ant build files.


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