: Now we want to move to SOLR as it has host of other features. I was
: reading http://wiki.apache.org/solr/IndexPartitioning .
: Is there any JIRA issue corresponding to this feature (Tried searching
: but couldn't find any) ?

not directly, that was mainly just a brainstorming excercise.  there is a
patch that tackles the related goal of multiple "SolrCores" in a single
app context however...


...but i havne't relaly had a chance to look at it yet.

honestly, based on the description of your goal, it doens't sound like
"IndexPartitioning" is really what you want (the goal there is multiple
sub indexes managed by a single instance of solr) ... it sounds like what
you are interested in is more along the lines of...


...multiple machines each with a seperate "shareds" of the index.


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