On 6/11/07, Will Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Having worked on a number of customer implementations regarding this
feature I can say that the number one requirement is for the facet
counts to be accurate post collapsing.  It all comes down to the user
experience.  For example, if I run a query that get collapsed and has a
facet count for the non-collapsed value then when I click on that facet
for refinement the number of hits in my subsequent query will not match
the number of hits displayed by that facet count.

I assumed they would... I think our signals might be crossed w.r.t.
the meaning of pre or post collapsing.  Faceting "post collapsing" I
took to mean that the base docset would be restricted to the top "n"
of each category.

circuitcity does it how I would expect... field collapsing does not
effect the facets on the left.
For example, if I search for memory, a facet tells me that there are
70 under "Digital Cameras".  If I look down the collapsed results,
"Digital Cameras" only shows the top match, but has a link to "View
all 70 matches".

I don't know what bestbuy is doing, but when I search for memory, I
get a brand facet with "Sony (244)"... if I click that, it finds 95
items I can page through (but some facets still display counts higher
than 95).

 Ie if it says there
are 10 docs in my result set of type x then when I click on type x I
expect to get back 10 hits.


Further, I could easily end up with a
result set with 15 total hits but a facet count hat says there are 200
results of type x which is very disconcerting from a user perspective.

15 documents displayed to the user, or 15 total documents that matched
the query?
If the latter, I don't see how you could get greater than 15 for any
facet count.


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