I created a quick and dirty patch that adds a sysproperty to the junit
task, and tweaked SolrExampleJettyTest

Per Yonik's law of patches of course, so if there is a better way, just
let me know and I'll tweak the patch.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hostetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Solr nightly build failure

: For the jetty based tests, perhaps we should just give a warning if it
: to bind a port and can't -- in that case the tests are not called, but
: still have them for the normal dev case where we can bind the port.

according to the hudson failure logs,the problem hasn't been binding to
the port (as in: the server starting up) it's the client not being able
to onnect to the port in 5ms. (at least: that's hte cause of hte last 6

given that these tests are running on a virtual server with *lots* of
other virtual servers, it doesn't seem that odd that it might take 5ms
before the connection is initialized  

i seem to recall some discussion about increasing that timeout, and
deciding that it was a bad idea because in the "normal" case it's
usually short, but at the very least lets make it a config option or
something so the test can specify a large value.  (it doesn't even have
to be an easy to chnge config option, it could even be a system property
for now, just so we can try chaning it in the nightly build environment
and see if it makes things better.

i'd rather not kill a "good" test just because it fails in some
-- that tells me that either the test or the code being tested doesn't
handle that situation very well.  if the test isn't waiting long enough
for the server to start up before sending requests, then we should fix
the test -- if the client isn't waiting long enough fortheserver to
connect, we should improve the client.


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