I'm a big fan of the lucene-java way of integration maven ... not because 
i understand it, but because as a non-maven user i didn't even notice when 
the change happened, but all the maven users i know say "it's so great 
that we have maven support now." ... that sounds like a win/win to me.

I'm aggressively ambivilent about using maven as a build system for Solr 
... if someone else does the work, and the commands for building/testing 
are just as easy as ant -- then i'm certainly not going to complain.

My main concern with going the maven route is client code .... we want to 
make sure it's easy for new clients in new languages to be added so they 
can be built easily as part of the main Solr build (not that we do this 
much now ... but i know i saw Erik start a thread on this ... can't 
remember if it got any traction) ... my gut says that an ant based 
approach similar to lucene-java contribs where the contract is "the main 
system will use subant to call 'ant compile', 'ant test' and 'ant dist' in 
each client dir." will give client code the most flexibility to have stub 
build.xml files to call the Rakefile/Makefile/BoBakefile based build files 
that make sense for that language ...but if that's just as easy with maven 
then that concern is moot.


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