: The few projects that I did during my short involvement with Solr are
: still running strong, keep up the good work!

I think it's safe to say I speak for all of the other committers when I 
thank you for all your past contributions that really helped Solr thrive.

Not just your code contributions, but the way you really helped "seed" the 
Solr community while we were incubating:  Your involvement with Solr 
attracted interest from a broader set of contributors within the ASF 
(besides just Lucene folks), and your 2006 XML.com article really put Solr 
on the map so to speek, gaining us a lot of attention and credibility in 
the eyes of people that would have never noticed Solr otherwise.

I look forward to the day when you get bored with all the stuff you 
are doing now, and start catching up on all your Solr mail :)


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