I'm trying to add some unit tests now.  MoreLikeThisHandler had a minimal
set of tests which don't actually test its output, just that fields and a
query parameters are required.  It'll take me a bit to write something for
the regular version and then the version with specified boosts.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 6:46 AM, Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think a separate issue is warranted.  Can you add unit tests, too?
> On Jun 5, 2008, at 3:33 PM, Tom Morton wrote:
>  Hi,
>>   SOLR-295 mentions boost support for morelikethis and then seems to have
>> been subsumed by SOLR-281 but I don't think this got implemented.  I've
>> patched MoreLikeThisHandler to support this.  Here's a summary of the
>> approach:
>>  Parse out "mlt.qf parameters" to get boosts in dismax like format
>> (existing code from DisMax param parse code used to produce a
>> Map<String,Float>)
>>  Iterate through mltquery terms, get boost by looking at field from which
>> mltquery term came,  and multiply boost specified in map by existing term
>> boost.
>> If mlt.boost=false, then you get the same boost values as in map/mlt.qf
>> parameters,
>> If mlt.boost=true then you get normalized boost multiplied by specified
>> boost (which makes sense to me).
>> Patch attached.
>> Should I re-open either SOLR-281 or SOLR-295 (if I can) or create a new
>> jira ticket for this?
>> Thanks...Tom
>> <morelikethis.patch>

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