
Yonik Seeley commented on SOLR-486:

So if I understand the reasoning behind the "iterator" type, it doesn't have a 
length up-front and instead has a terminator.... the idea being that you don't 
have to iterate over the entire list and buffer it, just to figure out what the 
length is, right?

That's a good idea - but do we actually use any iterator or Iterable objects?

> Support binary formats for QueryresponseWriter
> ----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-486
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-486
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: clients - java, search
>            Reporter: Noble Paul
>            Assignee: Yonik Seeley
>             Fix For: 1.3
>         Attachments: SOLR-486-iterator.patch, SOLR-486-iterator.patch, 
> SOLR-486.patch, solr-486.patch, SOLR-486.patch, SOLR-486.patch, 
> SOLR-486.patch, SOLR-486.patch, SOLR-486.patch, SOLR-486.patch, 
> SOLR-486.patch, SOLR-486.patch
> QueryResponse writer only allows text data to be written.
> So it is not possible to implement a binary protocol . Create another 
> interface which has a method 
> write(OutputStream os, SolrQueryRequest request, SolrQueryResponse response)

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