On Aug 7, 2008, at 6:46 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
I don't really drink from the "Spring would solve all our config/init
problems" Kool-Aid

Me neither, even though I'm a proponent of Solr aiming in that direction. In fact, I think Spring has the potential to make it much more convoluted/complicated to configure Solr (depending on how it's done).

Spring-centric thinking benefits Solr by aiding in the design of things like IndexSchema and SolrConfig - such that they would not have a dependency/requirement that XML be involved at all.

Springifying Solr doesn't mean littering Solr with Spring dependencies - it really should be vastly cleaner than that, such that Spring is NOT required to configure Solr at all (and this is the design benefit I see possible).

I'd really love to see Solr get _out_ of dealing with configuration so directly instead spending our time on ugly tangential stuff.


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