On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org> wrote:
> Here's where we are at for 1.4.  My comments are marked by >.
> I think we are in pretty good shape, people just need to make some final
> commits. If things are still unassigned tomorrow morning, I'm going to push
> them to 1.5.
> Key     Summary Assignee
> SOLR-1427       SearchComponents aren't listed on registry.jsp  Grant
> Ingersoll
>> I just put up a patch that I believe is ready to commit.
> SOLR-1423       Lucene 2.9 RC4 may need some changes in Solr Analyzers using
> CharStream & others     Koji Sekiguchi
>> Koji?
> SOLR-1407       SpellingQueryConverter now disallows underscores and digits
> in field names (but allows all UTF-8 letters)   Shalin Shekhar Mangar
>>Needs a patch and a unit test.  Push to 1.5?
> SOLR-1396       standardize the updateprocessorchain syntax     Unassigned
>> No patch exists and no work has been done on it.  Seems like we should get
>> this right.  Volunteers?

Let us push it to 1.5 . Anyway there are more things to be clened up
as a part of SOLR-1198
> SOLR-1366       UnsupportedOperationException may be thrown when   using
> custom IndexReader      Mark Miller
>> Patch exists.  Mark?
> SOLR-1319       Upgrade custom Solr Highlighter classes to new Lucene
> Highlighter API Mark Miller
>> No patch.  Mark?
> SOLR-1314       Upgrade Carrot2 to version 3.1.0        Grant Ingersoll
>> Waiting on Lucene 2.9 and a minor licensing issue.
> SOLR-1300       need to exlcude downloaded clustering libs from release
> packages        Grant Ingersoll
>> This will be handled during release packaging.
> SOLR-1294       SolrJS/Javascript client fails in IE8!  Unassigned
>> I have concerns about this client library being included at all in Solr,
>> as I don't see anyone taking it up for maintenance.  I raised concerns on
>> the main issue with no response and likewise with this one.  Patch exists.
>>  Who handled the original contribution?
> SOLR-1292       show lucene fieldcache entries and sizes        Mark Miller
>> Hoss' patch is a reasonable start.  I think this can be committed.  We can
>> iterate in 1.5.  Mark or Hoss?
> SOLR-1221       Change Solr Highlighting to use the SpanScorer with
> MultiTerm expansion by default  Mark Miller
>> Mark?  Seems ready to go.
> SOLR-1170       Java replication replicates lucene lock file    Noble Paul

>> Noble?  Has a patch that looks reasonable for now.  Might be problematic
>> if Lucene ever changes the extension of the lock files.
I am not sure if there is a problem. Because lucene should not be
returning the .lock file name in the list of files. Anyway the chances
of Lucene changing the file extension is slim.

Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com

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