On Sep 15, 2009, at 12:01 PM, Andrzej Bialecki wrote:

Grant Ingersoll wrote:
Here's where we are at for 1.4.  My comments are marked by >.
I think we are in pretty good shape, people just need to make some final commits. If things are still unassigned tomorrow morning, I'm going to push them to 1.5.
Key    Summary    Assignee
SOLR-1427 SearchComponents aren't listed on registry.jsp Grant Ingersoll
> I just put up a patch that I believe is ready to commit.
SOLR-1423 Lucene 2.9 RC4 may need some changes in Solr Analyzers using CharStream & others Koji Sekiguchi
> Koji?
SOLR-1407 SpellingQueryConverter now disallows underscores and digits in field names (but allows all UTF-8 letters) Shalin Shekhar Mangar
>Needs a patch and a unit test.  Push to 1.5?
SOLR-1396 standardize the updateprocessorchain syntax Unassigned > No patch exists and no work has been done on it. Seems like we should get this right. Volunteers? SOLR-1366 UnsupportedOperationException may be thrown when using custom IndexReader Mark Miller
> Patch exists.  Mark?

That patch doesn't solve the issue - it can't be solved without serious changes in the replication handler. For now we can only clarify the breakage in the documentation.

Care to take up that documentation, Andrzej?

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