Our download is currently a 150MB zip file, and 233MB on disk!

$ du -s *
96      CHANGES.txt
80      LICENSE.txt
12      NOTICE.txt
8       README.txt
36      build.xml
1857    client
20      common-build.xml
40554   contrib
48036   dist
55620   docs
76214   example
3200    lib
7554    src

Hoss listed a bunch of the issues (jars in dist that didn't need to be there)

--------- solr cell -------
The example contains the "solr cell" libs in both the DIH example and
the normal example.
At a minimum, the DIH example shouldn't include them.
I think it's still up in the air if the normal example should include them.

------- javadoc --------
55MB of Javadoc!  That's a bit heavy... esp when I imagine almost no
one uses it.
Should we create a compressed doc jar for this instead?
Point to an online version instead?
Note that dist also contains broken-out javadoc jars.
$ du -s dist/*docs*
60      dist/apache-solr-cell-docs-1.4-dev.jar
68      dist/apache-solr-clustering-docs-1.4-dev.jar
2212    dist/apache-solr-core-docs-1.4-dev.jar
300     dist/apache-solr-dataimporthandler-docs-1.4-dev.jar
680     dist/apache-solr-solrj-docs-1.4-dev.jar


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