: The example contains the "solr cell" libs in both the DIH example and : the normal example. : At a minimum, the DIH example shouldn't include them. : I think it's still up in the air if the normal example should include them.
i've just taken it as a given that having two copies of every third party jar for using in the example was a neccessary evil, but 3 copies (in two different examples) just pushed me over the edge and prevented me from sleeping, so i banged this out... https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1449 ...if we get enough eyeballs on it, it might be feasibleto commit prior to 1.4 : ------- javadoc -------- : 55MB of Javadoc! That's a bit heavy... esp when I imagine almost no : one uses it. that's 55MB uncompressed ... but docs compress realy well so i doubt it contributes significantly to the download size (the maven jars of all the docs add up to less then 3MB, and zip/tar compression should be comparable) It's tempting to say "most solr users aren't java hackers" and leave it out ... but it's still the only comprehensive documentation on the various types of plugins (QParsers, analysis factories, etc...) so i vote we leave it in (one way or another) -Hoss