On Mar 8, 2010, at 12:45 AM, David Smiley @MITRE.org wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I'm trying to follow all this spatial work going on right now and it's
> tough.  I'd just like to try it out.  I'm on trunk but some of the examples
> on the SpatialSearch wiki page error ("Unknown function point in Function
> query").  

What's the error?

> I'm following multiple JIRA issues.  Can someone point me in the
> right direction?

SOLR-773 should have all the pointers.  I'm slowly but surely working on 
SOLR-1568.  That will add filtering capability.  

> BTW, I was on Yonik's Lucid webinar last week and I recall he said that
> there isn't spatial filtering on the query side, only results side right
> now.  That surprises me because I thought the SpatialTileField implements
> the query side, just as Patrick's Local-Lucene stuff does.

Not sure on what was said, as I missed the webinar due to travel, but S-1568 
will add in filtering capabilities for all of the different spatial types.  It 
will also add a Lat/Lon specific field type.

> My requirements:  I'm looking to do spatial filters (circles, rectangles,
> polygons) with distance boosting (optional).  The documents have multiple
> points each.  I'm going to use distributed-search because my entire corpus
> is huge.

You will need to write your own field type to represent shapes (or just keep 
that info at the app level), but it should be feasible.  Distro search should 
just work.

All feedback is definitely welcome.  I'm committed to getting a good solution 
in 1.5, but for me it is slow going due to work commitments.   Any and all help 
is appreciated.


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