: Otis, yes, I think so, eventually.  But that's gonna take much more 
: I don't think this initial cutover should try to "solve" how modules
: will be organized, yet... we'll get there, eventually.

But we should at least consider it, and not move in a direction that's 
distinct from the ultimate goal of better refactoring (especailly since 
that was one of the main goals of unifying development efforts)

Here's my concrete suggestion that could be done today (for simplicity: 
$svn = https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene)...

  svn mv $svn/java/trunk $svn/java/tmp-migration
  svn mkdir $svn/java/trunk
  svn mv $svn/solr/trunk $svn/java/trunk/solr
  svn mv $svn/java/tmp-migration $svn/java/trunk/core

At which point:

0. People who want to work only on "Lucene-Java" can start checking out 
$svn/java/trunk/core (i'm pretty sure existing checkouts will continue to 
work w/o any changes, the svn info should just update itself)

1. build files can be added to (the new) $svn/java/trunk to build ./core 
followed by ./solr

2. the build files in $svn/java/trunk/solr can be modified to look at 
../core/ to find lucene jars

3. people who care about Solr (including all committers) should start 
checking out and building all of $svn/java/trunk

4. Long term, we could choose to branch all of $svn/java/trunk 
for releases ... AND/OR we could choose to branch specific modules 
(ie: solr) independently (with modifications to the build files on those 
branches to pull in their dependencies from alternate locations

5. Long term, we can start refactoring additional "modules" out of 
$svn/java/trunk/solr and $svn/java/trunk/core (like 
$svn/java/trunk/core/contrib) into their own directory in $svn/java/trunk

6. Long term, people who want to work on more then just "core" but don't 
care about certain "modules" (like solr) can do a simple non-recursive 
checkout of $svn/java/trunk and then do full checkouts of whatever modules 
they care about

(Please note: I'm just trying to list things we *could* do if we go this 
route, i'm not advocating that we *should* do any of these things)

I can't think of any objections people have raised to any of the previous 
suggestions which apply to this suggestion.  Is there anything people can 
think of that would be useful, but not possible, if we go this route?


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