On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Chris Hostetter

> : Otis, yes, I think so, eventually.  But that's gonna take much more
> discussion.
> :
> : I don't think this initial cutover should try to "solve" how modules
> : will be organized, yet... we'll get there, eventually.
> But we should at least consider it, and not move in a direction that's
> distinct from the ultimate goal of better refactoring (especailly since
> that was one of the main goals of unifying development efforts)
> Here's my concrete suggestion that could be done today (for simplicity:
> $svn = https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene)...
>  svn mv $svn/java/trunk $svn/java/tmp-migration
>  svn mkdir $svn/java/trunk
>  svn mv $svn/solr/trunk $svn/java/trunk/solr
>  svn mv $svn/java/tmp-migration $svn/java/trunk/core
Cool, I think this is what I was just saying in reference to mavenized
projects.  Core and Solr are siblings of the "Lucene" project.


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