Chris Hostetter wrote:
> : log. I have not been able to find much in the way of a howto for
> : SecurityManager, and am pretty much groping in the dark at this point.
> I found this...
> ...but I'm afraid I don't have much concrete advice to offer you, i've
> never run any servlet container with a security manager, mainly because
> i've never run a WAR i didn't trust completely...
> to start with, it looks like you're going to want to enable JndiPermission
> (since that's how you are setting the solr home) and you should enable
> read FilePermission for the entire solr home dir, and write FilePermission
> for the data dir.  if you wnat to use snapshooting/snappulling you'll also
> need to RuntimePermission.  i think that's probably it ... but according
> to that doc, the best way to figure out what permissions you need to turn
> on if something isn't working, is with the
> option.
> if you have any luck with this, then by all means please update the
> SOlrTomcat wiki with what you find.
> -Hoss

Hoss, thanks for the Saturday night reply. Open Source does indeed rule.

I've gotten as far as making Solr completely trusted, which I think will
be sufficient for my own purposes, since only people with root access
can touch the Solr directories. Here's the command I added to

grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/solr/-" {

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

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