Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Dec 8, 2006, at 2:15 PM, Andrew Nagy wrote:

My data is 492,000 records of book data. I am faceting on 4 fields: author, subject, language, format. Format and language are fairly simple as their are only a few unique terms. Author and subject however are much different in that there are thousands of unique terms.

When encountering difficult issues, I like to think in terms of the user interface. Surely you're not presenting 400k+ authors to the users in one shot. In Collex, we have put an AJAX drop-down that shows the author facet (we call it name on the UI, with various roles like author, painter, etc). You can see this in action here:

In our data, we don't have unique authors for each records ... so let's say out of the 500,000 records ... we have 200,000 authors. What I am trying to display is the top 10 authors from the results of a search. So I do a search for title:"Gone with the wind" and I would like to see the top 10 matching authors from these results.

But no worries, I have written my own facet handler and I am now back to under a second with faceting!

Thanks for everyone's help and keep up the good work!


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