On Feb 14, 2007, at 6:01 AM, Kainth, Sachin wrote:
I'm new to solr.  I've just installed it and am trying to run the
example.  The problem is that the tutorial seems to suggest that you
need Unix to run solr.  For example to add a document to the
solr?/lucene? Index you need to do this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/solr/solr-nightly/example/exampledocs$ sh post.sh
Posting file solr.xml to http://localhost:8983/solr/update
<result status="0"></result>
<result status="0"></result>

As far as I know though there is no "sh" command on Windows.

You don't need Unix to run Solr... Solr is a Java web application.

The example has a Unix shell script to post the example data, but you could run that on Windows using Cygwin. We should add a note to the wiki to this effect.

Also, I'm pretty sure we'll have more clients that can post these files. In fact, this would be a pretty trivial addition to solrb, the Ruby interface to Solr.

So give Cygwin a try and see if that works for you.


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