
I'm looking for some tips / suggestions around reducing the query time for Solr after I've post'ed a commit request. My Lucene index contains around 2,000,000 documents, and I have a job that periodically removes artibrary documents from Lucene and replaces them with fresh copies from a database. Whenever that cycle occurs, I send a commit to Solr to expose the updates. The problem is that immediately after the commit, a Solr query that previously took 5-20ms now takes 20-25 seconds. Ouch.

I know that commit can be expensive, although I don't know by how much, or what I might do to mitigate the expense. I haven't much doc around this topic. I've also tried different cache settings (basically using high values for cache and auto-warm sizes) but that doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

I'll keep investigating on my own, but if anyone has any suggestions or additional info, I would greatly appreciate it.


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