We have a site with users that post things (say it's a review of a book. each review gets a solr doc.)

On the user info page we show a 'top 10' faceting result on the query:


which comes back with

<int name="pynchon">9</int>
<int name="bartheleme">4</int>

Which is great as a simple "auto-tagger." But we would love to take these results and compare it to others to make a "related people" query. I could take the top 10 terms, perform a query like


and get the 2nd-order facets back, but I imagine this is a common task that could be optimized in-solr. Sort of a:

q=username:bwhitman&facet=true&facet.field=review&facet.limit=10&facet.m lt=true&facet.mlt.field=username

Does anyone else use this sort of functionality? Am I going too far out of my way?


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