Hi Chris

The /var/www/html/solr/data/ directory did exist. I tried opening up
permissions completely for testing but no luck (the tomcat user had
write permissions).

I decided to trash the whole installation and start again. I downloaded
last nights build and untarred it. Put the .war into
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Copied the example/solr directory as
/var/www/html/solr. No JNDI file this time, just updated solrconfig to
read /var/www/html/solr as my data.dir.

I can access the admin page but when I try an index action from the
commandline, or a search from the admin page, I get something like:

"The requested resource (/solr/select/) is not available"

I have other apps running under tomcat okay, seems like it can't find
the lib .jars or can't access the classes within them?



Gary Browne
Development Programmer
Library IT Services
University of Sydney
ph: 61-2-9351 5946 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hostetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 15 May 2007 9:51 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Null pointer exception

: I am running v1.1.0. If I do a search (from the admin page), it throws
: the following exception:
: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException:
: /var/www/html/solr/data/index not a directory

does /var/www/html/solr/data/ exist? ... if so does the effective userID
for tomcat have permission to write to it?  if not does the effective
userID for tomcat have permission to write to /var/www/html/solr/ ?


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