Yeah i thought of that solution but this is a 20G index with each
document having around 300 or those numbers so i was a bit worried about
the performance.. I'll try anyway, thanks!

On 06/06/07, *Yonik Seeley* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    On 6/6/07, galo <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    >  3. I'm trying to implement another index where I store a number of
    >  values for each document. Everything works ok as integers but i'd
    >  to have some sort of fuzzy searches based on the bit representation of
    >  the numbers. Essentially, this number:
    >  1001001010100
    >  would be compared to these two
    >  1011001010100
    >  1001001010111
    >  And the first would get a bigger score than the second, as it has
    only 1
    >  flipped bit while the second has 2.

    You could store the numbers as a string field with the binary
    then try a fuzzy search.



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