On 6-Jun-07, at 7:44 PM, Jeff Rodenburg wrote:

I've been exploring distributed search, as of late. I don't know about the "next solr" but I could certainly see a "distributed solr" grow out of such
an expansion.

I've implemented a highly-distributed search engine using Solr (200m docs and growing, 60+ servers). It is not a Solr-based solution in the vein of FederatedSearch--it is a higher-level architecture that uses Solr as indexing nodes. I'll note that it is a lot of work and would be even more work to develop in the generic extensible philosophy that Solr espouses.

It is not really suitable for contribution, unfortunately (being written in python and proprietary).

In terms of the FederatedSearch wiki entry (updated last year), has there been any progress made this year on this topic, at least something worthy of being added or updated to the wiki page? Not to splinter efforts here, but maybe a working group that was focused on that topic could help to move
things forward a bit.

I don't believe that absence of organization has been the cause of lack of forward progress on this issue, but simply that there has been no-one sufficiently interested and committed to prioritizing this huge task to work on it. There is no need to form a working group (not when there are only a handful of active committers to begin with)--all interested people could just use solr-dev@ for discussion.

Solr is an open-source project, so huge features will get implemented when there is a person or group of people devoted to leading the charge on the issue. If you're interested in being that person, that's great!


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