Hi, Jeff and Mike.

  Would you mind telling us about the architecture of your solutions a
little bit? Mike, you said that you implemented a highly-distributed search
engine using Solr as indexing nodes. What does that mean? You guys
implemented a master, multi-slave solution for replication? Or the whole
index shards for high availability and fail over?

On 6/7/07, Jeff Rodenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mike - thanks for the comments.  Some responses added below.

On 6/7/07, Mike Klaas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've implemented a highly-distributed search engine using Solr (200m
> docs and growing, 60+ servers).   It is not a Solr-based solution in
> the vein of FederatedSearch--it is a higher-level architecture that
> uses Solr as indexing nodes.  I'll note that it is a lot of work and
> would be even more work to develop in the generic extensible
> philosophy that Solr espouses.

Yeah, we've done the same thing in the .Net world, and it's a tough slog.
We're in the same situation -- making our solution generically extensible
pretty much a non-starter.

> In terms of the FederatedSearch wiki entry (updated last year), has
> > there
> > been any progress made this year on this topic, at least something
> > worthy of
> > being added or updated to the wiki page?  Not to splinter efforts
> > here, but
> > maybe a working group that was focused on that topic could help to
> > move
> > things forward a bit.
> I don't believe that absence of organization has been the cause of
> lack of forward progress on this issue, but simply that there has
> been no-one sufficiently interested and committed to prioritizing
> this huge task to work on it.  There is no need to form a working
> group (not when there are only a handful of active committers to
> begin with)--all interested people could just use solr-dev@ for
> discussion.

That makes sense, just didn't want to bombard the list with the subject if
it was a detractor from the core project, i.e. keep lucene messages on
lucene, solr messages on solr, etc.  The good-community-participant
approach, if you will.

Solr is an open-source project, so huge features will get implemented
> when there is a person or group of people devoted to leading the
> charge on the issue.  If you're interested in being that person,
> that's great!
Glad to jump in, not sure I qualify as such for that, but certainly a big
cheerleader nonetheless.

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